Somatic Therapies for Trauma Recovery



The Feldenkrais Method

Moshe Feldenkrais was one of the early pioneers and explorers of somatic intelligence and healing.  The first group of people he worked with early on in the development of his method were Holocaust survivors.  He found that his work restored not only a felt sense of biological fitness and wellness, but a sense of dignity.    

In fact, Feldenkrais wrote a critique of Freud in which he detailed his perspective and experience that recovery from anxiety and other traumatic and "mental" challenges  could be facilitated more quickly and surely through his somatic work than through pyschoanalysis.

Kevin offers Feldenkrais sessions to support trauma recovery.  
In addition to other benefits, Feldenkrais sessions tend to have a  profound calming and regulating effect on the nervous system and to restore a physically and emotionally felt-sense of empowerment. 




Transforming Touch®

Kevin has been trained and certified in another kind of somatic healing work, "Transforming the Experience-Based Brain", recently re-named  "Transforming Touch," as developed by Stephen Terrell and Kathy Kain.

Transforming Touch (TT) is a Nervous System Regulation Based Modality.  

The modality is based on the theory that when we experience ruptures in our feelings of safety and trust during our development years, they continue to disrupt our lives at any age.  This disruption can be seen as behavioral challenges, psychological challenges, spiritual challenges, and physical challenges. 
Transforming Touch® can be particularly helpful for working with the effects of early trauma ... pre-birth trauma, birth trauma, and trauma that happened in childhood when the nervous system and brain were developing (also called "developmental trauma").  

Untreated early trauma, and associated nervous system and behavior adaptations, can lead to not only to chronic health problems but to problematic behavior compensations, addiction, compulsions.   Historically viewed by the culture asa character weakness or defect, these compensations are natural normal and they are treatable.  Much of this work has been pioneered by Dr. Terrell and Dr. Kathy Kain.

Transforming Touch®  uses touch to work directly with areas of the body affected by nervous system dysregulation  (kidney/adrenals, brain stem, limbic system).   Transforming Touch can be particularly helpful for anxiety, panic attacks, incontinence, gut disturbance, sleep disturbance, and many other kinds of nervous system dysregulation arising from early trauma. 

Tranforming Touch® builds new neural connections of safety and nervous system regulation, helping restore the healthy reflexes and early development that may have been interrupted or underdeveloped by trauma.

Transforming Touch® Practitioners create a safe place for people to experience healing through a lens of safety, presence, and nervous system regulation. Your body already knows how to heal itself if it is finds the support to experience more safety and less triggering of survival energy.

Transforming Touch® Practitioners see each person as whole and complete.  TT Practitioners do not rely on pathology to label people.  Each body and brain is capable of creating new neural pathways in your brain that allow for less stress/anxiety and more ability to learn, relate, and heal.

Kevin trained with Dr. Stephen Terrell and is certified as a Transforming Touch therapist.

To listen to an interview with Dr. Terrell about Tranforming Touch, go here! 
For more information about Dr. Terrell and Transforming Touch go here



Transforming Touch sessions are available on a sliding scale of $100-150.

Website offer:
Your first Transforming Touch session is available for $75.
To schedule contact Kevin:, or (907) 350-1715.


Pain Reprocessing Therapy  (PRT)

Recent neuroscience studies show that anxiety and depression can become a learned default mode in the brain, a habitual response to life,  particularly when there has been signficant trauma experienced in childhood, a time when the brain is developing.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy for anxiety and depression is based on the most recent neuroscience understandings of the brain and engages both neuroscience and relevant therapeutic modalities to help the brain unlearn anxiety and depression as a brain habit.

It is relatively rare that anxiety and depression has a physical origin.  
Usually anxiety and depression is neuroplastic in origin, meaning that it is something that is learned and something that can be unlearned.  This is also true of physical pain that is neuroplastic in origin.  

Kevin has been trained in Pain Reprocessing Therapy via a professional course offered by its developer, Dr. Howard Schubiner, director of the Mind Body Medicine Center at Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan and author of over 100 scientific articles.  

Kevin offers PRT-based therapeutic coaching for anxiety, depression, and other emotional and physical effects of trauma.

When reading the information on PRT for chronic pain on this website substitute "anxiety" or "depression" for the word "pain."
For more information on PRT, go here.


Our heritage is not necessarily our destiny.