Outdoor Adventure Testimonials


The Grand Canyon trip was a life changer for me … a magnificent gift and something I will always cherish.

-  KC, Naturalist and Educator


The Grand Canyon trip my husband and I went on with Kevin  was the trip of a lifetime. 
Kevin was superbly organized, knowledgeable, and a delight to be with.  
I have such joyful memories of floating through the scenic canyon, running rapids, discussing geology, inspecting ancient ruins, sharing music around the campfire, helping to prepare amazing meals, and enjoying the camaraderie of the group. 
Thank you, Kevin.

-  MW

My Grand Canyon trip with Kevin was one of the highlights of my life. Days were all about the river; drifting lazily in nearly slack water, then racing through huge standing waves in the biggest rapids. But every night, under the desert stars, we circled up with our instruments and played every song ever written. It was beautiful and raucous, and perfect.


— TH

When I signed on to raft the Grand Canyon with Kevin, I wasn’t even aware yet how powerful a musical experience it would be.  I honestly went along for the exhilarating boating, rigorous hiking, and time with friends.  
I got all of that, but also found myself sitting in the soft glow of an October campfire bathing in the collaborative swell and roll of music.  Every night.  
A reluctant performer and insecure musician myself, I listened and appreciated for the first few nights, caught the rhythm bug and began to tap sticks and stones together and eventually opened my mouth and sang.  
Not beautifully at first, but with practice comes improvement and the joyful celebration of music on the river with Kevin and company started me on my way to decades of music-making enjoyment.