The Bengston Energy Healing Method®
The Bengston Energy Healing Method® is an innovative healing technique that has been shown to be effective on a wide variety of conditions.
Dr. Bill Bengston has been conducting research on this Method for several decades and has proven the effectiveness of his technique in controlled animal studies conducted in several university biological and medical laboratories.
His healing technique has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholantrene- induced sarcomas in experimental mice (in over 200 published studies using more traditional healijng methods no mouse has ever lived past 30 days). Mice treated via the Bengston Method had successful full cures and no recurrences of cancer. For more information these studies, go here!
Kevin has been trained in the Bengston Energy Healing Method® and has found it very useful in his own natural vision recovery journey and healing work.
You can find interviews with Dr. Bill Bengston on YouTube in which he tells the story of the development of the method and 30 years of scientific research to explore the potentials of the Method.